璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鍦ㄤ汉绉板拰鏁颁笂搴斾笌鍚庨潰涓€涓富璇繚鎸佷竴鑷达紝涔熷氨鏄閫傜敤灏辫繎鍘熷垯銆?/p>渚嬪锛?Not only he but also you are wrong.涓嶄絾浠栭敊浜嗭紝浣犱篃閿欎簡銆?鍦ㄦ甯歌搴忎腑: not onl" />
not only but also 鏄惁灏辫繎鍘熷垯
发布日期:2025-01-04 10:19    点击次数:209
回答1: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 濡傛灉not only... but also杩炴帴涓や釜涓昏锛?a href="https://zhidao.baidu.com/search?word=璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝" highlight="true">璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鍦ㄤ汉绉板拰鏁颁笂搴斾笌鍚庨潰涓€涓富璇繚鎸佷竴鑷达紝涔熷氨鏄閫傜敤灏辫繎鍘熷垯銆?/p>渚嬪锛? Not only he but also you are wrong.涓嶄絾浠栭敊浜嗭紝浣犱篃閿欎簡銆?鍦ㄦ甯歌搴忎腑: not only 鈥?but also 搴旇繛鎺ヤ袱涓浉瀵圭О鐨勫苟鍒楁垚鍒嗐€?/p>渚嬪锛?/p>Not only Mr Lin but also his son joined the Party two years ago. (杩炴帴涓や釜涓昏)鎵╁睍璧勬枡灏辫繎鍘熷垯涔熺О鈥?a href="https://zhidao.baidu.com/search?word=閭昏繎鍘熷垯" highlight="true">閭昏繎鍘熷垯鈥濃€滃氨杩戜竴鑷村師鍒欌€濓紝鍗筹細璋撹涓庨潬杩戠殑鍚嶈瘝銆佷唬璇嶏紙鏈夋椂涓嶄竴瀹氭槸涓昏锛夊湪鈥滀汉绉般€佹暟鈥濅笂涓€鑷淬€備笌鍏剁浉瀵圭殑杩樻湁鈥?a href="https://zhidao.baidu.com/search?word=灏辫繙鍘熷垯" highlight="true">灏辫繙鍘熷垯鈥濄€?/p>鍦?a href="https://zhidao.baidu.com/search?word=鍊掕鍙? highlight="true">鍊掕鍙?/a>涓細璋撹鍙笌鍚庨潰绗竴涓富璇竴鑷淬€?/p>渚嬪彞锛?/p>In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people . 鍦ㄨ繙澶勶紝鑳藉惉瑙侀紦鎺屽0鍜屼汉浠殑鍛煎枈澹般€?/p>There is a pen and some books on the desk.妗屼笂鏈変竴鏀挗绗斿拰鍑犳湰涔︺€?/p>There are some books and a pen on the desk.妗屽瓙涓婃湁鍑犳湰涔﹀拰涓€鏀挗绗斻€?/p>鍙傝€冭祫鏂欙細灏辫繎鍘熷垯_鐧惧害鐧剧 回答2: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 鏄氨杩戝師鍒欍€?/p>鈥渘ot only 鈥?but also 鈥︹€濇槸涓€涓苟鍒楄繛璇嶈瘝缁勶紝鍏舵剰鎬濆熀鏈瓑浜庘€渂oth 鈥?and 鈥︹€濓紝浣嗕晶閲嶇偣鏀惧湪鈥渂ut also鈥濅笂锛屽彟澶栬璇嶇粍浣跨敤鏃堕』閬靛畧涓€瀹氱殑瑙勫垯锛屽瑕佹眰瀵圭О锛屽€掕鍙婁富璋撲竴鑷寸瓑銆備互涓嬩袱涓彞瀛愬線寰€琚湅浣滄槸娆犲Ε鎴栭敊璇殑锛?/p>1. *Sitting up late last night,Tom not only read the assignment but also many poems by his favourite poet. 2. *Not only the students but also the teacher were invited. 涓婅堪涓ゅ彞绗竴鍙ユ瑺濡ワ紝绗簩鍙ユ槸閿欒鐨勶紝搴斿垎鍒敼涓猴細Sitting up late last night,Tom read not only the assignment but also many poems by his favourite poet. 鏄ㄦ櫄姹ゅ鐔嚦娣卞锛屼笉浠呯湅浜嗚澶栦綔涓氾紝鑰屼笖璇讳簡浠栨渶鍠滄鐨勪竴浣嶈瘲浜虹殑璁稿璇楁瓕銆?/p>Not only the students but also the teacher was invited. 涓嶄粎瀛︾敓浠閭€璇凤紝鑰屼笖閭d綅鏁欏笀涔熻閭€璇蜂簡銆?nbsp;鎷撳睍璧勬枡锛?br />涔熺О鈥滈偦杩戝師鍒欌€濃€滃氨杩戜竴鑷村師鍒欌€濓紝鍗筹細璋撹涓庨潬杩戠殑鍚嶈瘝銆佷唬璇嶏紙鏈夋椂涓嶄竴瀹氭槸涓昏锛夊湪鈥滀汉绉般€佹暟鈥濅笂涓€鑷淬€備笌鍏剁浉瀵圭殑杩樻湁鈥滃氨杩滃師鍒欌€濄€?/p>鏈夋椂渚濃€滃氨杩戜竴鑷村師鍒欌€濓紝浣嗕篃鍙緷鈥滄剰涔変竴鑷村師鍒欌€濇垨涓ユ牸鍦颁緷鈥滆娉曚竴鑷村師鍒欌€濄€?/p>Neither she nor I were there (鎰忎箟涓€鑷? 鎴戝拰浠栧綋鏃堕兘涓嶅湪閭e効銆傦紙闈炴寮忥級Neither she nor I was there .锛堝氨杩戜竴鑷达級锛堣瘧鏂囧悓涓婂彞锛夛紙姝e紡锛?/p>浣嗘槸锛屽鏋滀緷鈥滃氨杩戜竴鑷村師鍒欌€濊€屼笌鍏朵粬涓ら」鍘熷垯鐩哥煕鐩炬椂锛屽垯甯稿父璁や负鏄笉澶悎绗﹁鑼冪殑銆?/p>Eg锛歂o one except his own supporters agree with him .浠呬粬鑷繁鐨勬敮鎸佽€呭悓鎰忎粬鐨勬剰瑙併€?/p>锛堜緷鈥滃氨杩戔€濆拰鈥滄剰涔夆€濅竴鑷寸殑鍘熷垯锛涗絾璇硶涓婏紝鈥淣o one 鈥濇墠鏄富璇紝璋撹瑕佹敼鎴愨€渁grees鈥濄€傗€滃啓浣滀腑鈥濅竴鑸渚濃€滆娉曚竴鑷粹€濆師鍒欍€?/p>灏辫繙鍘熷垯灏辨槸璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勫彉鍖栧嵆锛?/p>璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝涓庡墠闈富璇竴鑷?/p>as well as锛涳紙together/along锛墂ith锛況ather than锛沞xcept锛沚esides锛沚ut锛沬ncluding锛沬n addition to锛沘part from 回答3: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 鏄紝not only鈥︹€ut also灏辫繎鍘熷垯锛屽嵆鍜宐ut also鍚庣殑鍚嶈瘝鎴栦唬璇嶇殑鏁颁竴鑷淬€?/p>鎵╁睍璧勬枡e.g.Not only the students but also the teacher reads English everyday./ Not only the teacher but also the students read English everyday.not only 鈥ut also鈥?涓や釜鍒嗗彞鏃舵€佽淇濇寔涓€鑷淬€?/p>褰搉ot only缃簬鍙ラ,鍓嶄竴涓垎鍙ヨ鍊掕銆?br />She not only sings beautifully but also dances wonderfully.=Not only does she sing beautifully but also dances wonderfully. 回答4: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 鏄氨杩戝師鍒欙紙浠ヤ笅涓鸿缁嗙敤娉曪級 鈥渘ot only 鈥?but also 鈥︹€濇槸涓€涓苟鍒楄繛璇嶈瘝缁勶紝鍏舵剰鎬濆熀鏈瓑浜庘€渂oth 鈥?and 鈥︹€濓紝浣嗕晶閲嶇偣鏀惧湪鈥渂ut also鈥濅笂锛屽彟澶栬璇嶇粍浣跨敤鏃堕』閬靛畧涓€瀹氱殑瑙勫垯锛屽瑕佹眰瀵圭О锛屽€掕鍙婁富璋撲竴鑷寸瓑銆備互涓嬩袱涓彞瀛愬線寰€琚湅浣滄槸娆犲Ε鎴栭敊璇殑锛?1. *Sitting up late last night,Tom not only read the assignment but also many poems by his favourite poet. 2. *Not only the students but also the teacher were invited. 涓婅堪涓ゅ彞绗竴鍙ユ瑺濡ワ紝绗簩鍙ユ槸閿欒鐨勶紝搴斿垎鍒敼涓猴細1. Sitting up late last night,Tom read not only the assignment but also many poems by his favourite poet. 鏄ㄦ櫄姹ゅ鐔嚦娣卞锛屼笉浠呯湅浜嗚澶栦綔涓氾紝鑰屼笖璇讳簡浠栨渶鍠滄鐨勪竴浣嶈瘲浜虹殑璁稿璇楁瓕銆?2. Not only the students but also the teacher was invited. 涓嶄粎瀛︾敓浠閭€璇凤紝鑰屼笖閭d綅鏁欏笀涔熻閭€璇蜂簡銆?涓嬮潰灏辨潵璋堣皥姝g‘浣跨敤璇ヨ瘝缁勬椂椤绘敞鎰忕殑鍑犵偣浜嬮」鍙婂叾甯歌鐨勫嚑绉嶅彉浣撳舰寮忋€?涓€銆佷娇鐢╪ot only 鈥?but also 鈥?鏃堕』娉ㄦ剰鐨勫嚑鐐癸細 1. not only涓巄ut also鍚庨潰鎵€杩炴帴鐨勮瘝鐨勮瘝鎬у繀椤诲绛夛細 (1) Frankin was considered not only an inventor,but also a statesman. 瀵屽叞鍏嬫灄涓嶄粎琚湅浣滃彂鏄庡锛岃€屼笖琚湅浣滄斂娌诲銆?(2) The nurse was not only competent but also kind. 杩欎綅鎶ゅ+涓嶄粎鑳藉共鑰屼笖浜插垏鍜岃敿銆?(3) They not only broke into his office and stole his books,but also tore up his manuscripts. 浠栦滑涓嶄粎闂繘浠栫殑鍔炲叕瀹わ紝鍋疯蛋浜嗕粬鐨勪功锛岃€屼笖杩樻挄鎺変簡浠栫殑鎵嬬銆?(4) Not only you but also she has to attend the ceremony. 涓嶄护浣犺€屼笖濂逛篃寰楀弬鍔犲吀绀笺€?(5) In production,we should always keep an eye not only on quantity but also on quality. 鍦ㄧ敓浜т腑锛屾垜浠笉浠呰鍏虫敞鏁伴噺锛岃€屼笖瑕佸叧娉ㄨ川閲忋€?(6) They completed the project not only punctually but also perfectly. 浠栦滑涓嶄粎鍑嗘椂瀹屾垚宸ョ▼锛岃€屼笖瀹屾垚寰楀緢鍑鸿壊銆?2. not only鍙兘杩炵敤锛岃€宐ut also鏃㈠彲杩炵敤锛屼篃鍙垎寮€鐢細 a. He speaks not only English,but also French. 浠栦笉浠呰鑻辫锛岃繕璇存硶璇€?b. Television is not only boring,but it also wastes a lot of time. 鐢佃涓嶄粎涔忓懗锛岃€屼笖杩樻氮璐硅澶氭椂闂淬€?c. She was not only compelled to stay at home,but she was also forbidden to see her friends. 濂逛笉浠呰寮鸿揩韫插湪瀹朵腑锛岃€屼笖琚姝㈠幓鐪嬫湅鍙嬨€?3.璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勬暟搴斾笌but also鍚庝富璇殑鏁颁繚鎸佷竴鑷达細 Not only you but also Mr Zhang teaches in this college. 涓嶄粎浣狅紝寮犺€佸笀涔熷湪姝ゅ闄㈡暀涔︺€?4. not only鏀惧湪鍙ラ锛屽悗鎺ュ彞瀛愭椂瑕佺敤鍊掕缁撴瀯锛?(1) Not only should proletarians emancipate themselves but also the whole mankind. 鏃犱骇鑰呬笉浠呰瑙f斁浠栦滑鑷繁锛岃€屼笖瑕佽В鏀惧叏浜虹被銆?(2) Not only does television appeal to those who can read but to those who can't. 鐢佃涓嶄粎鍚稿紩闃呰鐨勪汉锛岃€屼笖涔熷惛寮曚簡涓嶄細闃呰鐨勪汉銆?(3) Not only was everything Albert Einstain had taken away but also his citizenship was deprived of. 鐖卞洜鏂潶鐨勮储浜т笉浠呰鎺虫帬涓€绌猴紝鑰屼笖浠栫殑寰峰浗鍥界睄涔熻鍓ュず浜嗐€?(4) Not only had the poor man been fined,but also he had been sent to prison. 杩欎釜鍙€滅殑浜轰笉浠呰缃氭锛岃€屼笖杩樿閫佽繘浜嗙洃鐙便€?浜屻€乶ot only锛宐ut also鐨勫嚑绉嶅父瑙佺殑鍙樹綋褰㈠紡锛?1.not only鐨勫彉浣撳舰寮忥細 甯歌鐨勫彉浣撴湁not just,not merely,not simply,not solely绛夈€?(1) Such work is not just devalued in that country,its nature is widely misunderstood. 杩欑宸ヤ綔鍦ㄩ偅涓浗瀹朵笉浣嗚璐綆锛岃€屼笖宸ヤ綔鐨勬€ц川涔熻璁稿浜鸿瑙c€?(2) There is not merely concision in these lines but also elegance. 杩欎簺鍙拌瘝鍐欏緱涓嶄粎涔樻硶锛岃€屼笖浼橀泤銆?(3) Not simply did he teach school,but he wrote novels. 浠栦笉浠呮暀涔︼紝涔熷啓灏忚銆?(4) This novel is not solely suitable for us in studying modern fiction but can also be used in the teaching. 杩欐湰灏忚涓嶄絾閫傚悎鎴戜滑鐮旂┒鐜颁唬灏忚锛岃€屼笖鑳界敤浜庢暀瀛︺€?2. but also鐨勫彉浣撳舰寮忥細 a: 鐪佸幓also锛屽彧鐣檅ut锛沚: 鐪佸幓but锛屽彧鐣檃lso锛沜: but鈥s well锛沝: but also鍏ㄩ儴鐪佺暐銆?(1) Scarlett quaked lest she and Frank lose not only their freedom but the house,the store and mill. 鏂匠涓藉鎬曞緱鍙戞姈锛屾儫鎭愬ス涓庡紬鍏板厠涓嶄粎浼氬け鍘昏嚜鐢憋紝鑰屼笖杩樹細澶卞幓鎴垮眿銆佸晢搴楀強閿湪鍘傘€?(2) She's not only an excellent housewife also a first class mathematician. 濂逛笉浠呮槸涓€涓嚭鑹茬殑瀹跺涵涓诲锛岃€屼笖鏄竴浣嶄竴娴佺殑鏁板瀹躲€?(3) Not only does he write the words to the songs,but he composes the music as well. 浠栦笉浠呯粰姝屾洸鍐欒瘝锛屼篃璋辨洸銆?(4) Such a change would improve not only his social image but his health as well. 杩欐牱鐨勫彉鍖栦笉浠呬細鎻愰珮浠栫殑绀句細褰㈣薄锛岃€屼笖浼氭敼鍠勪粬鐨勫仴搴枫€? 回答5: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 涓昏鐢ㄦ硶灏辨槸璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝瑕侀伒寰€滃氨杩戜竴鑷村師鍒欌€濄€?br />渚嬪锛歂ot only the students but also the teacher was invited. 涓嶄粎瀛︾敓浠閭€璇凤紝鑰屼笖閭d綅鏁欏笀涔熻閭€璇蜂簡銆?


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